“I’m saving up for knitting lessons" coin bank.
I laughed out loud when I saw this and said to myself, “I have got to get myself one of those!” This is the coolest way to teach your resident knitter how to save. The best gift for a beginner too, because this will show them how much you care about their new-found hobby. Your grandma will think this to be a very thoughtful gift, coming from you which shows how much you appreciate her patterns in knitting. This is a very creative gift to give your loved one. Show them how much you value their passion for knitting.
Delicious Knitter Cake
Super "like". Yummy-licious cake designed for a knitting enthusiast. Your wife will go crazy over this, when you come out singing "Happy Birthday to you". I'd also recommend this as a homecoming gift when your Grandma visits.
Something you can share with the whole family. It is picture perfect knitting lover gift idea, making it a sure Facebook "like" when posted. If you are a great pastry chef yourself, bake it and give it to your resident knitter on that special occasion.
"Keep Calm and Knit On" T-Shirt
Is your favorite knitter having a bad week? I'd recommend this gift. This will take the blues away. Available in various colors, you can choose which color your knitter would love to have. A great gift that promotes knitting and a thoughtful one at that!
Does your favorite knitter also love coffee? Well in that case, I have the perfect gift in mind. Check out this "Got wool?" Mug I found. Pretty neat and cost-efficient too. Your favorite knitter will absolutely love you.
Whenever they take their morning coffee, they will not only remember you, but also it will help them remember to finish the knitting project they forgot to do.
Make a card for your favorite knitter.
I am a crafts lover too, not just a knitting expert. I'd recommend you make personalized greeting cards with your favorite knitter's picture printed on it. Saying, "You know knitting and I love you?” Print it out and place on your knitter's refrigerator, or better yet, on top of their latest knitting project. It will be a pleasant surprise to read a handmade/personalized greeting card from a loved one before the knitting lessons start.
Needle Travel Kit
If your knitter tends to travel from place to place, and couldn't quite stay in one location. Well, they don’t have to sacrifice their love for knitting for work. Buying this for your loved one will help them catch up on their knitting wherever they go. Best of all, even if they go to another country or some faraway place, you will be remembered as they knit away.
Hope you loved our gift ideas. Happy Knitting! Visit the Ball of Yarn at 156-A Granada Blvd. Ormond Beach Florida 32174. Call (386) 672-2858 Today!